
Food is one of a human's basic needs. Sadly there are some people in this world who are deprived of this necessity, but that's a blog for another day. Food however comes in different shapes, tastes and forms from all over this world.
The food of different cultures has (at it's roots) been developed due to the geography of the surrounding area or/and the influences of other cultures, All I'm going to discuss today is how food has become the food we know and love it as today due to the geography of where the food has been developed.
The national dish of Bhutan is Ema Datshi (a mixture of rice, chilli's and cheese made from yak milk) the reason Ema datshi was created was because it used the resources (ingredients) of the local area and these ingredients have become developed due to the geography of the land. Let me explain; yaks are animals which are very suited to living at high altitude and on rocky terrain so compared to regular cows it makes sense for the Bhutanese to use the yaks milk to make the Datshi cheese instead of the regular cows milk and that hence the meal has been developed due to the geography of the land.

In the past, the inhabitants of Irelands coastline had to rely on fish as a staple food source. That means that the diet and meal of the residents of the Irish coast were affected by the geography of where they lived.


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